What is the Digital Educator Programme?

The world of education technology is changing fast. As our educational establishments move to the cloud, the staff working within them need increasing levels of support.

This exclusive 15-month programme has been put together to support educational establishments with developing the expertise of their Digital Educators.

Through carefully selected modules, Digital Educators will be able to understand and plan for the role of technology within their own schools to:

• Enhance teaching and learning

• Reduce workload

• Support accessibility and inclusion

• Narrow the digital divide

• Support learners on future digital careers so that they can improve outcomes for students and all members of the community.

How do I get there?

• Flexible online blended learning with live sessions delivered outside of teaching time

• Online learning modules mapped to Ofsted EIF, Gatsby benchmarks and government white paper for schools

• Modules delivered by industry EdTech experts including Microsoft and Google

• Practical projects aligned to your school’s digital environment

• The final assessment focuses on the impact of EdTech implementation within your school

• Opportunities for your school to kickstart their journey to becoming a Microsoft Showcase or Google Reference School

Who would benefit most from this programme?

  • Senior Leaders
  • Heads of Departments
  • TAs or Support Staff
  • Digital Champion Apprentice

Who is eligible?

The Digital Educator programme is accessible to staff at all levels throughout your education establishment . From teaching assistant to business manager to headteacher.

Should you prefer to recruit a new member of staff for the role of Digital Educator, Primary Goal can offer you a free recruitment service and support to take advantage of the government incentive payments available for up to £4,000 towards the salary cost.

Your Digital Educator will gain recognised qualifications

What are other Digital Educators Saying?

“This has been the most transformational piece of professional development I have undertaken in over a decade.”
Caroline Pardoe, Assistant Vice Principal, Blue Coat CofE Academy, Walsall

“It is rewarding to be part of introducing change to a school and seeing the joy as staff and children embrace the new technology. You don’t have to be an expert in technology, you will be taught all the techniques.”

Josh Wright, Digital Champion, Stivichall Primary School, Coventry

“I can highly recommend this apprenticeship to anyone but especially senior leaders who really want to move the teaching and learning on for the children at their schools.”

Ruth Moor, Headteacher, St Annes CofE Primary School, Godmanchester

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