Jack Hunt was the very first Primary Goal apprentice. He didn’t have the best time at school, so his latest achievement is all the more special. His mum explains more.

““Jack was always in trouble at school – always outside the headteachers office. He was diagnosed with ADHD and autism. The class teacher was cruel. His sister had open heart surgery and on that day we forgot to send his PE kit in. He had to spend the entire lesson with his face against the wall. Another time every child in the school went out to play in the snow – he had to stay in to sharpen pencils. Every time he stood up (his body told him to. Part of his ADHD) he would be sent out of class and his name moved off the zone board until it reached the bin. The head teacher told us Jack would get through school but would never amount to anything.“Things picked up and Jack went on to have some amazing teachers. Jack loved computers and he did an apprenticeship with Primary Goal. Louise was always so helpful and encouraging. Jack was offered a placement at a local primary school where he has spent five wonderful years.“Three years ago he decided on a change of career and began his degree, whilst still working. Recently Jack received his results – A First class honours in Primary Education!!! He now leaves his current school to begin his teacher training year! Well done Jack! You never gave up!!!” ”

Clair Hunt

Explaining how he felt when he got his degree result, Jack said:

“3 years of late nights and long weekends after working 4 days a week in school have come to this, a 1st! Primary Education degree with the Open University

“To my primary headteacher who said there was no point in me sitting my SATS, and that I would only get through school, but would never amount to anything. Thankfully your negative words only spurred me on!

“Next stop – Teacher Training with The Lion Alliance, at Peal Hyde School”

Primary Goal MD, Louise Campton was delighted when she heard the news: “This is simply tremendous!! I am so incredibly proud of Jack 👏🏻 the team at Primary Goal will always remember him as our very first apprentice on programme and his achievements are truly remarkable! What ever happened to that headteacher I wonder?”

Apprenticeships are a fantastic stepping stone to a wide range of careers in schools and businesses.


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