Upskilling is a great way for employers to get the knowledge and talent they need for their business whilst providing valuable work experience. It’s important to remember that employees on personal development programmes are still members of the staff and should be treated as part of the team.

You still need to pay your staff member a full wage as you would any other employee. Employment contributions still happen, and depending on the wage, you might even need to provide a pension.

Government funding for apprenticeships

Our training programmes are also part funded by the government, which means businesses save money whilst providing invaluable training opportunities. For instance, larger employers need to pay a levy and smaller businesses pay a 5% fee, which is used to fund these programmes. There’s even corporate-level funding for apprentice recruitment that will support you with the addition to your team.

How much should I pay an apprentice?

When it comes to paying an apprentice, there are a few things to consider. First, you should ensure that you are paying the National Minimum Wage, or the National Living Wage if the apprentice is over 25.

You should also bear in mind that contributions to pension schemes, holiday pay and sick pay still apply to apprentices. In addition, it is important to note that the government pays a contribution of up to 90% of the cost of training for apprentices, meaning you will only need to pay a small proportion of the total cost.

The actual payments for apprentices depend on the age of the apprentice and current government regulations. However, apprenticeships are about more than just money.

I’m interested. What are the benefits of hiring an apprentice?

There are many benefits of taking on an apprentice. Apprenticeships allow employers to build a highly-skilled, dedicated, and motivated workforce.

Apprenticeships offer employers the chance to benefit from new ideas, fresh perspectives, and the enthusiasm of individuals, whilst providing access to the skills necessary to succeed in the world of business. Not only do you benefit from a more powerful workforce, but apprenticeships offer employers the opportunity to save money, as apprenticeships are funded in part by the government.

What are the benefits of being an apprentice?

Similarly, the benefits of doing an apprenticeship are also immense. Doing an apprenticeship offers people the opportunity to gain valuable working experience and develop key skills, such as problem-solving, communication and time management.

Apprenticeships provide a great chance for people to develop their career prospects, as they can gain qualifications and networks that will be invaluable in the future. They’re able to earn a full wage, as they are still members of staff and should be treated as part of the team while being trained and learning new skills.

In short, apprenticeships are a win-win situation for employers and employees alike. They offer employers the chance to build a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, whilst providing people with the opportunity to develop their skills and career prospects. Apprenticeships are also in part funded by the government, which means businesses save money while providing invaluable training opportunities and getting an extra pair of hands onboard.

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Primary Goal aims for every learner to receive the highest quality learning experience, enabling personal growth and the opportunity for further career and study progression.