Celebrating our fantastic ICT Apprentices Reaching the National Qualifiers in the WorldSkills UK Competition

We are thrilled to announce that of our exceptional ICT apprentices, Brad Biddle and Shivam Khanna, has reached the national qualifiers in the prestigious WorldSkills UK competition. This incredible achievement highlights Brad Biddle’s dedication, skill, and passion for information and communication technology, and we couldn’t be more proud.

A Journey of Excellence and Dedication

Brad’s journey to the national qualifiers has been marked by hard work, continuous learning, and a commitment to excellence. Competing in WorldSkills UK, one of the most esteemed skills competitions in the country, is a testament to their outstanding capabilities and the high standards they consistently meet.

The competition is fierce, bringing together the best apprentices from across the UK to showcase their talents and compete for the top spots in various skills categories. Reaching the national qualifiers is a significant milestone and speaks volumes about Brad Biddle’s abilities and potential.

“I’m honoured to be representing Primary Goal at this competition. They gave me all the knowledge and skills to succeed in the industry, now it’s time to put it to the test! A huge thank you to Computeam as well for their unwavering support during this time. ” — Brad Biddle, ICT Consultant, Computeam Ltd

“As a training provider, it is our mission to nurture talent and support our apprentices in reaching their full potential. Brad Biddle’s achievement in reaching the national qualifiers is a shining example of what can be accomplished with hard work and dedication. We are proud to have played a part in their journey and will continue to support them as they prepare for the next stage of the competition.” — Lauren Delday, Head of Business Development, Primary Goal

Exciting times are ahead for Brad Biddle and his employer Computeam as Brad is competing in the national qualifiers round of the World Skills competition to find the UK’s leading IT Technician. Brad is an IT Consultant working for Computeam. Brad’s role at Computeam is to provide IT support to customers to help them resolve all their IT support requirements. Brad is a former apprentice of Primary Goal, and we were super-proud when Brad’s achieved distinction grade when he completed last year. Brad must be a strong contender in the national competition so we look forward to seeing how he gets on at the national qualifiers on the 18th of June.” – Simon Dickinson, Coach/trainer, Primary Goal

Looking Ahead

As Brad prepares for the next round of the WorldSkills UK competition, we are confident that their talent and determination will lead to continued success. This achievement is not only a personal victory for Brad but also an inspiration to all our apprentices, showing that with commitment and the right support, anything is possible.

We wish Brad and Shivam the best of luck in the national qualifiers and look forward to celebrating further successes in the future. Stay tuned for more updates on their progress and join us in cheering them on as they represent the best in ICT skills.

Primary Goal is committed to providing outstanding training and support to our apprentices. If you are interested in starting your journey with us, reach out today and discover how we can help you achieve your career goals.

#WorldSkillsUK #ICTApprentice #NationalQualifiers #ProudTrainingProvider #ApprenticeshipSuccess #FutureSkills

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